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CNTEX Report: The Status Quo Analysis of the Textile Industry in Southwest China

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CNTEX : With the implementation of the Western Development as well as the promotion of the central regions’ development, the gradient transference of textile industry from eastern and coastal regions to central and western regions has become the trend of the times. Based on the current condition of the development of textile industry in southwest regions, this article probes into the development potentiality of textile industry in southwest regions.

Supposing regions are divided based on social economy, southwest regions of China cover 5 provinces and regions including Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Tibet,which is the comparatively underdeveloped western area in three main areas in China.

The Textile Industry in Southwest Regions is with Small Scale

The scale of textile industry in southwest regions takes up a comparatively small proportion in all industries. Comparing the data of 2006 with Zhejiang Province, which is with powerful textile industry, the number ratio of companies in textile is 1/15; the ratio of sales is 1/15 and the ratio of exportation value is 1/28, which shows a huge gap.

The textile industry is mainly concentrated in Sichuan, Chongqing and Yunnan. In 2006, the number of companies, sales and exportation value are respectively 94.9%, 98.3% and 99.9%. The exportation percentage is less than 19%, 11percent lower than the exportation percentage of all industries.

The Textile Industry in Chongqing is with Fast Development

As the megalopolis with largest investment potentiality in western China, Chongqing has many advantages including superior geographic location, solid industrial foundation, well equipped infrastructure, strong scientific, technological and educational force, comparatively abundant human resources, huge market potentiality and etc.

The textile industry in Chongqing is with a very fast development. Three material bases of agricultural industrialization have been established based on bamboo, ramie and pod. The ideas of “high-quality fabric and accessories market”, “ western cotton trading market’ and “western synusiologic textile products market” have been put on the agenda.

With the implementation of the establishment of four textile bases by the Cha Textiles Group from Hongkong in Chongqing, the development of textile industry in Chongqing has been accelerated and concentrated effect has been showed.

The Textile Industry in Sichuan laid a solid foundation

Sichuan is with abundant textile resources and comparatively strong textile industrial foundation. The total number of companies in textile and apparel in the province is about 4000 to 5000, and the number of sized companies is more than 370 with over 0.3million staffs and over 3 million rural laborers providing natural faric materials such as silkworms, cotton, hemp for textile industry. The indexes such as the investment in fixed assets, the value of gross output and added value, sales, foreign exchange earned from exportation and etc. are all listed at the first place in western regions.

The Textile Industry in Yunnan is with Unique geographic Advantages

At present, the issue of the trade brush in textile between China and Europe and USA makes the domestic textile companies attach great importance on ASEAN market with huge potentiality. The geographic superiority of Yunnan facing ASEAN and the resources superiority in silk and flax have provided opportunities for the development of textile industry in Yunnan.