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Both Quality and Profit Increased in First Half

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The whole situation of textile industry turned to be good, with obvious growth in both the quality and profit. Most economic figures were into double-digit growth, which made a sound foundation for the development in last half.

Production and sales kept steady growth, but the speed turned to slow down. From Jan. to Jun., the gross industrial output value were 2117.114 billion yuan, up 25.94% year over year. That??s 19.55 percentage points higher than that of same period last year. The sales vloume were 2066.179 billion yuan, up 0.31%. The production and sales kept balance. The growth rate of major products?? output turned to slow down. The chemical fiber output went up 13.43%; 2.86 percentage points higher year over year. But the growth rate had went down for successive four months since early this year. The yarn output grew 16.96%; 7.56 percentage points higher. While its growth rate had went down for successive three months. The fabrics output grew 16.40%; 16.24 percentage points higher. The clothes output grew 17.68%; 13.98 percentage points higher. Its growth rate kept stable.

Both investment and employment saw recovery, with regional structure adjustment quickened the pace. From Jan. to Jun., the investment accumulated to 165.256 billion yuan, up 22.61% year over year. That??s 16.26 percentage points higher than that of same period last year. The growth rate kept recovery. The new projects beginning construction were 4491 in this period, up 14.27%. But the growth rate was 7.77 percentage points lower year over year. The investment looked differential from regions. The investments for mid and west China grew 46.72% and 59.97% respectively. That were 41.05 percentage points and 54.31 percentage points higher than that in east China. The new projects were also went up 42.60% and 34.01% respectively in mid and west China.

The export continued the recovery and got up to the summit before financial crisis. According to the Customs data, the export of textile and clothes reached 88.878 billion USD in first six months, up 22.04% year over year. The growth rate was 33.10 percentage points higher than that of same period last year. Of which, the textile export was 35.652 billion USD, up 32.31%; clothes export 53.226 billion USD, up 16.02%. The recovery of textile export turned to be better than the clothes. For June alone, the export of textile and clothes were 18.665 billion USD, up 33.83%. That??s only 19 million USD lower than the summit before the global financial crisis.

Domestic market was blooming; the contribution rate of domestic sales became stronger. From Jan. to Jun., the domestic sales grew 28.26% year over year. That??s 17.55 percentage points higher than that of same period last year. The domestic sales accounted for 81.58% of the total sales. That??s 1.35 percentage points higher. The sales of social consumer goods grew 18.2% in first six months. Of which, the textile, clothes, shoes and caps went up 23.8%. According to the top 100 department stores statistics, the sales of clothes and kintting goods grew 23.84% and 14.79% respectively from Jan. to May., That were 13.94 and 10.91 percentage points higher year over year. In the first quarter this year, the per capita clothes expenses in urban and rural regions were 453.14 yuan dand 99.93 yuan, up 13.92% and 18.95% respectively.

The quality of development improved, with profit increase. From Jan. to May., the productivity of labor in statistics-worthy enterprises were 378,300 yuan per capita, up 24.78% year over year. The chemical fiber industry led the list, followed by the textile machinery industry. The average industry profit rate was 4.43%, gaining 0.91 percentage points. The gros profit of textile industry reached 71.901 billion yuan in first five months, up 61.10%. Cotton textile, chemical fiber and clothes ranked the top three sectors in the profit constributors for this industry.