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Chinese mainland authorities will study how to support Hong Kong's textile industry

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Hong Kong and China have signed the seventh CEPA agreement "China and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement", but the agreement's implementation has met many problems, Vice Minister of China Commerce of Ministry Jiang Zengwei expressed when he met the delegation of Hong Kong manufacturers in Beijing, the implementation of CEPA, has not achieved ideal effect, especially in services trade, he promised that the Ministry of Commerce would arrange the implementation of CEPA as a priority in next two years, he encouraged Hong Kong businessmen to enter red wine market in mainland China.

Jiang Zengwei also said that Chinese mainland authorities would make further study as how to support Hong Kong's textile industry.

Jiang Zengwei pointed out that China has become high-end consumer market and low-end consumer market, while mid-end market is still blank, Hong Kong businessmen will have great opportunities in developing mid-end market.

In addition, Hong Kong and mainland China can even open up international markets such as Africa through cooperation by using China's goods, finance and technologies, plus
Hong Kong's network and influence in international market.