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Cotton Price Surge, Polyester Cold

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The consumer practice on clothes reflected in the textile material prices. With the recovery of global economy, the textile industry turned to grow. This led to the cotton price surge.

It is reported the price of type 328 cotton increased from 12,777 yuan per ton in last May to 17,138 yuan per ton on May 21st.  The textile mills had to spend extra 4361 yuan to buy one ton cotton. While the spun viscose price also grew from about 16,000 yuan per ton last May to 19,050 yuan per ton now.

Comparing the cotton price, some chemical fiber prices had not increase so highly. The DTY, POY, and FDY prices are 12,350 yuan, 10,650 yuan and 10,500 yuan for one ton, up 2300 yuan, 1900 yuan and 3050 yuan to last year.

The fiber price fluctuation also affects the fabric price. Some trader say that there is 0.4 yuan increase for 100 kilogram cotton fabric. While the polyester fabric prices have not change since they are unprofitable.