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Westpex adds more partners to address growing demands

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International cooperate Westpex Ltd is in the advanced stages of negotiating an agreement with two more factories in China to serve the growing demand for the group's products.

The first of these two factories to be added to the list of Westpex Ltd partnerships deals in the production of Jeans and the second in the production of disposable plastic products.

For many years now, Westpex Ltd has maintained a close working relationship with factories in China and in some cases a formal partnership with them. The importance of these partnerships has recently been enhanced due to the growing demand of the Chinese domestic market.

China, today the global leader in production of goods sold around the world, has turned much of its production facilities to serve the demand from its domestic markets.

Westpex Ltd enjoys a wide and eclectic clientele across the globe - from large, international chains with outlets in various countries, to smaller privately owned shops and customers.

Westpex is well known for hosting its clients during the Canton Fair, the largest trade fair in the world. Every client is escorted by an experienced local team, who guide the guest through Canton. The client selects the products they are interested in and representatives of Westpex negotiate prices and quality on their client's behalf. This happens twice every year, in April and October. The Canton Fair is known as a renewing exhibition, representing all of China's production sector.

In order to maintain Westpex Ltd's high standards of customer service and immediate delivery, Westpex Ltd has ensured that it remains high on the list of priorities for the various factories it works with across China, many of which have been in partnership with the group for over 20 years and will also be represented at the Canton Fair.