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Shaoxing County Became Top Exporter in Zhejiang in 2009

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Shaoxing's ascendancy has been boosted by the financial crisis, from which Shaoxing has suffered less than other counties in Zhejiang. With trade in tatters around the world, Shaoxing county exports fell 6.56% in 2009, 3.34%, 7.24% and 9.44% less than the average level of the city, the province and the nation, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Shaoxing.


Fresh data shows that Shaoxing county's exports registered growth in Dec. 2009. Export value amounted to $604 million in Dec. 2009, up 32.39 per cent y/y.


In a high incidence of trade friction and the financial crisis, Shaoxing's foreign trade commodity export structure is quietly undergoing a welcome change: from the only low-value-added products, to high-tech products. The adjustment of industrial structure in Shaoxing has a profound impact, and large ship of China's economy has provided a guarantee of smooth sailing. Take, for example, BaoFang Printing & Dyeing was planning a massive store rollout and perfecting its marketing strategy, with 15 new shops opening in Nigeria in 2009. Export value of BaoFang amounted to $77.25 million in 2009, up 28 per cent y/y.