The Textile Industry in a Deeper Perspective
Source: newsaura Date: 2010-11-11
Ways of the Woolen Industry
The Middle Ages stood witness to the establishment of the woolen industry with the use of the home-grown wool. With Leeds in Yorkshire being the center for exchanging the product, production of the wool was solely based on a domestic system. Production of the broadcloth started at 30,000 in 1720 and double after two decades. And after thirty more years, the said figure again doubled. When Spinning Jenny was invented, most of the merchants became factory owners. It was in the early 1800��s that the concept of power-loom weaving was introduced.
Course of the Cotton Industry
A white fibrous substance obtained from the seed hairs of the cotton plant, cotton was first brought to England in the sixteenth century. At first, cotton production was mixed with either yarn or linen, but by 1750 Britain has initiated the production of pure cotton. Eventually importation of pure cotton form American colonies and the West Indies slowly increased. Three main districts lead the development of the cotton industry: the Clyde Valley, the Midlands, and Northwest England.
Significance of the Silk Industry
Bombyx mori are the kinds of caterpillars responsible for producing the silk filament. The first cloth made out of silk filament was found in Ancient China. In the twelfth century, the art of producing the silk cloth has reached Italy, Spain, and France. Flemish refugees were responsible for introduction the weaving process of silk to England. Because of the tough competition and the shortage of raw silk, the industry found it hard to develop on a fast pace. Norwich, Coventry, and London became the centers for the silk industry in England. Then came the Thomas Lombe machine, the claiming of William Hutton of such machines, and then the invention of the Jacquard loom. The birth of the Jacquard loom gave the silk industry a considerable boost in Britain until the nineteenth century.
Life of the Linen Industry
Linen is produced from the cultivated woody fibers of the blue flowered plant flax. The Romans were said to have been the first makers of linen and introduced it in England as evidenced by some findings in the Egyptian tombs. To help the woolen industry, some restrictions were implemented in the growing of flax in the Middle Ages. The lax-spinning machine invented by Matthew Murray and John Marshall in the eighteenth century made a great boost in the industry.