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4762 Products Enjoy Zero-tariff Treatment in Chinese Market

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In Summit on the Millennium Development Goals of UN, Chinese Government promised the zero-tariff treatment for the underdeveloped countries. From July 1st of 2010, about 4762 products from Bengal and other 31 underdeveloped countries could enjoy the zero-tariff treatment in Chinese market.

China is one of the fist batch of developing countries who gave zero-tariff treatment for underdeveloped countries. Since 2001, China began its zero-tariff programs for the specific products from 41 underdeveloped countries. Up to now, about 1000 products from those countries could enjoy the zero-tariff treatment in China, covering almost every products exported from them. In year 2008, the export to China accounted for 23% of the total export from underdeveloped countries. China became the largest market for the underdeveloped countries.

The 4762 zero-tariff products this time involve in poultry products, medical materials, plastic utensils, leather, wood, clothing and apparel. Based on the statistics of 2008, those 4762 products accounted for 98.2% of the total products from underdeveloped countries into Chinese market. China government also promised to keep enlarging the scope of zero-tariff products, and improve the export from 60% to 95%.

The 33 countries enjoy the zero-tariff treatment include Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Benin, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Eritrea, Djibouti, Democratic recently, Guinea Bissau, Comoros, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Lesotho, Chad, Central Africa, Afghanistan, Nepal, East Timor, Yemen, Samoa, Vanuatu.