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Credit Evaluation for Textile & Clothing Enterprise Kick-off

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On March 15th, China National Textile & Apparel Council held a press conference to announce the kick-off of credit evaluation program for textile & clothing enterprises. The building of credit system in textile and clothing industry, and the evaluation program connects to the benefits of enterprise and related parties. Participation into this program will help enterprise construct its own credit management system and build a good image in the market. It is also helps create the business opportunities and financial conditions, as well as a convenient way for administrative department to supervise the enterprises.

CNTAC will implement the credit evaluation program in their member enterprises. The primary principles include objective, voluntary, open and transparent. It is a long term program. The interested enterprise could apply for evaluation from now on. The results will release to the public twice a year.

The evaluation methods and technical index are based on related regulations and rules, and formulated by CNTAC Enterprise Credit Evaluation Committee. The committee members come from officials in CNTAC and its subsidiary associations, experts from college and institutes, as well as professionals in management, law and credit fields. The standing body of this committee is CNTAC Credit Office, who is responsible for the specific work.