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France offers to set up buying house for Pakistan textile sector

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The Pakistani textile sector has received an offer from the government of France to open a buying house in France, where the whole Pakistani textile sector can open a combined buying house with the full support of French government.

The offer has been made by the French Commercial Counselor in Pakistan Mr. Dominique Simon, in a meeting with Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FCCI) and representatives of textile association. He also offered facilitation for getting visas to people going to France for business.

The French Counselor said in the meeting that the energy crisis, rise in input costs and economic slowdown are the factors affected the industry drastically. Further he mentioned that the Bangladeshi textile producers export their products to all the European markets due to supportive trade facilities.

Buying houses from European countries have set up shop in Bangladesh, which keeps Bangladesh textile industry updated regarding the changes in fashion, so Bangladesh produces textile products according to the ongoing fashions.

In this regard, the Pakistani textile producers were left with the only option of opening a combine buying house in France as due to the law and order situation in Pakistan no one wants to come to Pakistan for business and now this option is expected to lend a helping hand to whole Pakistani industry.

The Pakistani buying house in France will approach the fashion and garment companies in France, will market its products and pitch for orders. At the same time, it would update the textile industry regarding the changing fashions in France, so that the Pakistani textile industry could follow French trends and fashions.

Once the Pakistani products build trust within the French apparel and fashion industry, the French industry will start setting up bases in Pakistan, once the law and order situation changes for the better.