The top officials of China National Textile & Apparel Council (CNTAC) including President Mr. Du Yuzhou, Vice Presidents Mr. Wang Tiankai, Mr. Gao Yong and Mr. Sun Ruizhe and Vice Secretary General Mr. Xu Yingxin met the senior delegation of International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) composed of President Mr. Walter Simeoni, Vice President Mr. Halt Narin, Director General Dr. Christian Schindler and Special Envoy Mr. Heinz Bachmann in Shanghai on July 28, 2008. This was the first official meeting of the two organizations since CNTAC became a member of ITMF in this April. The two parties held the talks on the position and function CNTAC would take in ITMF and on how to better develop the cooperation with each other in future. The meeting indicated that CNTAC would start to participate in the various activities of ITMF and fulfill the duties and obligations it should take as a national representative.
At the meeting in Zurich on April 17, 2008, the Committee of Management of ITMF accepted the proposal of the Board regarding the new status of the Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) in ITMF. The proposal affirmed that TTF would enjoy the status of an associate member instead of a member and all ITMF activities and documents would identify region Taiwan as ��Taipei, China�� or ��Taiwan, China��. The proposal defined as well that CNTAC should be the sole national representative of China textile industry and the only full member association representing China in ITMF, having the right to vote in the Committee of Management.
The acceptance of the proposal by the Committee of Management paved the way for CNTAC��s membership in ITMF. Therefore, CNTAC made the formal application to join ITMF on April 17, 2008 and the application was accepted by the Committee of Management immediately.
CNTAC is the national Federation of all textile-related industries and the membership includes the textile and clothing industrial associations and other economic entities that have the direct company members. CNTAC is dedicated to provide the service in the modernization of China textile and clothing industry. ITMF, founded in 1904, was one of the oldest non-governmental international organizations in textile industry. Through more than 100 years�� development, ITMF has become the Federation of the major parts of the world textile production, representing the broadest segments of the world textile industry ranging from downstream to upstream. The annual conferences of ITMF have been the important stage for the textile players across the world to exchange views and ideas.
Thanks to the constant efforts jointly by ITMF and CNTAC, China has become a member of ITMF finally after solving the status issue of TTF in ITMF. China has a very important position in the world textile society as it��s the biggest producer, consumer and exporter of the textiles and its fiber processing capacity accounts for 40% of the world��s total. CNTAC��s membership makes ITMF more representative and influential in the world textile industry. CNTAC joining ITMF will also help Chinese textile industry in developing the exchanges and cooperation with the international counterparts. It is the common wishes of the most ITMF members to absorb CNTAC as a sole national representative of Chinese textile industry in ITMF and more importantly it is in accordance with the developing trend of the world textile industry. It is believed that CNTAC��s membership in ITMF will promote the harmonious development of the world textile industry, enhance the industrial exchanges and cooperation, and consequently make the production and trade of the textile industry in the global scope healthier and more orderly.