Rise in wool exports to China
Source: Australian Wool Innovation Limited Date: 2008-07-16
A look at the consolidated data reveals the monthly volume of NZ wool exported in March 2008 was significantly lower than in March 2007. However, this big decline must be treated with caution, as it was caused partially by a reduced number of working days in March due to the Easter break falling earlier this year.
The decline in NZ wool exports during the first 9 months of the 2007/08 season is relatively well spread across the top importing countries. Out of the top 5 wool buying countries only China (top on the list) recorded a year-on-year increase.
The rise in exports to China was assisted by the weakening NZ$ compared to the US$ in the second half of the season. Also the increase comes despite disruptions in the first quarter of the 2007/08 season due to quota issues.
The remaining four largest importers of NZ wool - United Kingdom, India, Italy and Belgium-Luxemburg all reduced their imports till March this season.
During the last 12 months ending March 2008, NZ cumulative wool exports have fallen across all categories with tops seeing the greatest decline.