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Stinkbug Outbreak Reported in Shandong Province

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The stinkbug is a major pest in the agricultural regions of both the U.S. and China, attacking over 52 varieties of plants, including cotton. It can cause extensive damage to the cotton plant by attacking the bolls -- the bugs assault the immature cotton boll by piercing the fruit wall. Small bolls may be forced to fall from the plant, while larger bolls form a rough, warty growth on the inner-boll, causing permanent damage to the quality. Infected fields impact yields. The outbreak of stinkbugs has increased with the use of BT cotton seed, which reduces the application of broad-spectrum pesticides.

In many areas of Shandong Province, farmers are worried about the severe stinkbug outbreak and its effect on their crops. The bugs are difficult to spray and move back and forth between fields to avoid spraying. In addition, some regions in the province are experiencing excessive rain, with over 3 inches recorded in a single 24-hour period in the Ningjin County area. Several fields have become water-logged. Growers have actively been using breaks in the rain to control weeds and plant growth, with some boll shed reported. Farmers are applying phosphoric fertilizer and potash to control the shed.