China International Trade Fair for Home Textiles & Accessories
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2009
• Asia's leading home textile event opens this month with over 800 international and domestic exhibitors
•Special fringe programmes expand domestic and international trade opportunities
Asia's most popular home textile trade fair, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, will open on 25 �� 27 August 2009 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. With an exhibition space of 103,500sqm, the fair has attracted over 800 exhibitors from 24 countries including newcomers from Belarus, Malaysia and Russia. Special pavilions from Germany, Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, Turkey and seven home textiles manufacturing bases including Nantong and Yuhang in China will be featured this year alongside home textiles mills from around the globe.
Turkey, the largest country pavilion at the show, will return this year with a 15% increase in exhibition space. The fair attracts professional buyers from China and overseas. We are confident that the suppliers exhibiting under the Turkish pavilion will stand out at the fair,said Mr İbrahim Burkay, Chairman of the Board of Uludag Exporters' Association, organiser of the Turkish pavilion. The Turkish exhibitors will feature high quality curtains, drapery and upholstery fabrics specialised for Asian and European markets.
Apart from the country pavilions, the show will gather leading home textile suppliers worldwide under special product zones for buyers easy navigation. They include:
B. Sousa from Portugal, Lenzing from Austria, Kuan's living from Italy, Casablanca, Dinosaur (Kong Long), Fuanna and Luolai from China in the brand bedding and towelling hall; Dicitex Deco, a first time exhibitor from India with 120sqm trade space and US based companies New Line, Morgan, Richloom and Culp in the curtain zone; Recron, a leading home textile supplier from Malaysia, Benetex from Korea and Speedy Products from the UK in the upholstery zone.
Special fringe programmes expand domestic and international trade opportunities
To generate new business opportunities for exhibitors and buyers, the show organisers have set up a business matching service on-site. 'The business matching service is a fast and effective means for industry players to find the right business partner on-site. I am happy to see famous retail shops and brands including Marks & Spencer and Nibico will take advantage of this service to maximise their sourcing time at the fair,' said Ms Wendy Wen, director trade fairs for Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.
In addition, major buyers such as Kmart from Australia, Next Sourcing from the UK, Auskim from Korea and Siony from Russia will also attend the fair to look for the latest home textile products.
Equally important will be the open-ended forum, which will be held at the fair to give participants an insight to the business opportunities available in the local and overseas markets. To inspire fair attendees with the coming trends in home textiles design, a Designer's Studio and the Metropolis Lifestyle Studio will be set up at the international hall to reveal the latest designs and trends for S/S 2010. Home textiles labelled as Intangible Cultural Heritage and the winning entrants of three international design competitions will be displayed to encourage creativity and accommodate ambience.
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2009 is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and China Home Textile Association (CHTA). The show will be held concurrently with Yarn Expo Autumn 2009 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre to give show participants exposure to a new market segment.
For information, email textile@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com. For information on Messe Frankfurt home textile fairs, visit: www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com |